Most recent Pathfinder newspaper articles

The National Airline: A financial catastrophe in the making!
Delusion appears to be a national affliction in Sri Lanka. When confronted with stark realities, the state consi.

A Pathfinder Perspective on Urgent Reforms to Resuscitate the Economy
With known net debt service payments of USD 6.6 bn this year and current fully usable official reserves of less than USD.

Lest we forget remembering the ‘Pathfinder Beyond the Box: A New Economic Vision for Post
The Pathfinder Foundation produced a Report “Pathfinder Beyond the Box; a New Economic Vision for post-Covid Sri.
Pathfinder News Brief

A Pathfinder Perspective on Urgent Reforms to Resuscitate the Economy
With known net debt service payments of USD 6.6 bn this year and current fully usable official reserves of less than USD.

Lest we forget remembering the ‘Pathfinder Beyond the Box: A New Economic Vision for Post
The Pathfinder Foundation produced a Report “Pathfinder Beyond the Box; a New Economic Vision for post-Covid Sri.

The Nightmare Scenario: A Default on Sovereign Debt
On December 17, 2021, Fitch downgraded Sri Lanka’s rating to “CC”, the lowest rating prior to default. With external res.
Pathfinder China Watch

China's economic confidence stays strong
With growth resilient and progress made in the pursuit of high-quality development, economic confidence remains positive.

Norway's Arctic town envisions gateway on Polar Silk Road with link to China
KIRKENES, Norway, March 9 (Xinhua) -- Envisioning a new port on the Barents Sea coast and a railway that goes all the wa.

Chinese, American scientists "light up" lung cancer mutations
WASHINGTON, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese and American scientists have found a new way to identify non-small cell lung can.
Pathfinder Economic Blast

Reversal International Capital Flows: Exposes Frailty of Some Emerging Economies
Central Bankers in major economies, particularly the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, always knew that .

Economic Hit-men or Lumpen Politics?
Pathfinder Foundation focuses on economic and developmental issues. On the face of it, this topic seems to be largely po.

Gaming: A Case for Hard Headed Realism Vs Moral Hypocrisy
The recent decision to authorize the development of Integrated Tourism Resorts, including gaming, has stirred up much co.
Pathfinder Economic Dialogue

Facing Macro Economic Policy Challenges
Sri Lanka experienced a dramatic decline in its trade balance during the second half of 2011. The trade deficit which wa.
Pathfinder Economic Flash

Managing the Impending Economic Crisis: Policy Corrections, Privatisation, Elimination of Corruption
No sensible policy maker, economist or politician will deny the fact that Sri Lanka, at present, is on the verge of a ma.

Sri Lanka should immediately establish a Marine Science Research Station on Kachchativu
Last month there were reports in the press that a group of Indian citizens was planning to raise their national flag on .

Accelerating Economic Growth by Rejuvenation of State- Owned Assets
The history of State-Owned-Enterprises (SOEs) goes back to British colonial rule. Even after the Independence, ownership.
Pathfinder Energy Alert

From Black Gold to Bronze
Changing Energy LandscapeThe Foreign Affairs journal published by the US Council on Foreign Relations is a ‘highly’ resp.

Exploiting our Natural Gas Bonanza: Let us get it Right this Time Around
The Pathfinder Foundation’s (PF) previous Energy Alert concluded that the key challenge for Sri Lanka’s energy security .

Sri Lanka’s Energy Security: From Import Dependence to Production
As a first step, two articles will be published on: (1) the broad landscape connected with Sri Lanka’s energy security; .
Pathfinder Myth Busters

Time to Stop Playing Politics with Education
The Constitution of Sri Lanka stipulates that education is a fundamental right. The population has achieved a literacy r.

Should the Government be the ‘employer of first resort’?
In the early years after independence, it was generally accepted that the government’s role was limited to providing def.

Subsidies & Controls are a Panacea for Farmers’ woes
The long-term prospect of our agricultural sector is severely constrained by extreme inefficiencies in both markets and .
Pathfinder View Point

Defensive and corrective approaches towards destruction……?
Authored by Dr. Sirimal Abeyratne, Prof of Economics, University of Colombo for The pathfinder Foundation
When we look .

Capitalizing on the Maritime Silk Road Inititative to Achive Win Win Win Solution
By Sarah Hettiaratchi, Project Executive Pathfinder Foundation

Making Colombo a Global Financial Centre
Since the change of government early this year, the country’s new leadership has announced a few mega development projec.
Economic Alert

The National Airline: A financial catastrophe in the making!
Delusion appears to be a national affliction in Sri Lanka. When confronted with stark realities, the state consi.

Sri Lanka Economy Caught between a Rock and a Hard Place : Yet a Stitch in Time Could Save Nine
Like many countries, Sri Lanka continues to face a daunting economic landscape. The World Bank projects economic contrac.

Benefitting from the Korean Miracle and Diversifying our Economic Relations
The Republic of Korea (ROK)’s development record is arguably the most impressive since the end of the Second World War. .